Prémiový kávový catering.

Výberová káva pre váš event!

Kvalita, flexibilita, VAŠA spokojnosť.


O nás

Sme odborníci na kávový catering pre vaše nezabudnuteľné podujatia a oslavy. Profesionálne pripravená káva podľa vašich predstáv.

three person holding beverage cups
three person holding beverage cups

Naše služby

Výberová káva na eventy, svadby a firemné akcie s profesionálnym prístupom.

person using espresso inside kitchen
person using espresso inside kitchen
Espresso│Miliečné kávy │Filter│Alko drinky│

Potrebujete skvelú kávu na konferenciu, firemnú akciu, oslavu? -- My ju pre vás radi pripravíme!

Či už ide o komorné stretnutie pre 10 ľudí alebo veľké podujatie s 2000 hosťami, krátku kávovú prestávku alebo celodenný servis – zvládneme to.

Najprv si ujasníme:
🔹 Aký typ kávy preferujete – espresso, filter, mliečne nápoje?
🔹 Koľko hostí obslúžime a aký bude časový rozsah?

Na základe toho vám pripravíme ponuku presne podľa vašich potrieb.

Napíšte nám

person wearing brown leather apron

Naši hostia si veľmi pochvaľovali kávu od chlapcov z Flying Baristas.

Jana K.

Two baristas are working behind a counter in a coffee shop, wearing black uniforms and aprons. They are focused on preparing drinks, with various coffee cups lined up on shelves beside them. The light from outside the shop casts a warm glow across the interior.
Two baristas are working behind a counter in a coffee shop, wearing black uniforms and aprons. They are focused on preparing drinks, with various coffee cups lined up on shelves beside them. The light from outside the shop casts a warm glow across the interior.

Ochotne sa prispôsobili a strpeli všetky naše požiadavky na našej svadbe. Káva od blacku bola tip-top a baristi veľmi milí.

Peter M.

A mobile coffee cart adorned with white flowers and decorative grasses. It features a black menu board displaying various coffee options with prices, such as espresso, cappuccino, and cafe latte. Behind the board, there is a shiny coffee machine and various items neatly placed around it, including wicker baskets. The atmosphere appears relaxed and charming.
A mobile coffee cart adorned with white flowers and decorative grasses. It features a black menu board displaying various coffee options with prices, such as espresso, cappuccino, and cafe latte. Behind the board, there is a shiny coffee machine and various items neatly placed around it, including wicker baskets. The atmosphere appears relaxed and charming.